1977 Massacre of Atocha

in Madrid, Spain

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Calle de Atocha, 110, 28012 Madrid, Madrid, Spain
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N40° 24' 35" W3° 41' 37"   (40.409722222222, -3.6936111111111)
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The 1977 Massacre of Atocha, a part of neofascist terrorism in Spain, was an attack during the Spanish transition to democracy after the death of Franco in 1975, killing five and injuring four. It was committed on January 24, 1977, in an office located on 55 Atocha Street near the Atocha railway station in Madrid, where specialists in labour law, members of the Workers' Commissions trade union (CCOO), and of the then-clandestine Communist Party of Spain (PCE), had gathered. The next day, the massacre was defended by a group calling itself Alianza Apostólica Anticomunista (literally The Apostolic Anticommunist Alliance, abbreviated Triple A or AAA). The suspects arrested were close to Blas Piñar's Fuerza Nueva far-right party, the Falange-JONS and the Franco Guard. The indignation brought about by the killings accelerated the legalisation of the Communist party, which took place in Easter 1977. On March 24, 1984, the Italian daily Il Messaggero stated that, possibly, Italian neo-fascists had taken part in the shootings, pointing toward some kind of "Black International". This allegation was confirmed by a report from the Italian CESIS, which confirmed that Carlo Cicuttini, who was also involved in the Peteano massacre, took part in the Atocha massacre.


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1977 Massacre of Atocha

Address: Calle de Atocha, 110, 28012 Madrid, Madrid, Spain