Strive ABA Consultants

in Merrillville, USA

Category: Local business

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Address details

300 E 90th Drive Suite A and B
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Business hours

Sunday : Closed
Monday : 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday : 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday : 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday : 08:00 - 17:00
Friday : 08:00 - 17:00
Saturday : Closed


ADDRESS: 300 E 90th Drive Suite A and B


STATE: Indiana

CITY: Merrillville


In Merrillville, Indiana, Strive ABA Consultants stands as a pivotal resource for those seeking exceptional ABA therapy interventions. Our renowned therapists are committed to empowering each client with tailored therapeutic approaches aimed at enhancing communication, social interaction, and educational performance. At Strive ABA Consultants, we believe that every individual deserves the opportunity to thrive in their own right—this ethos reflects in the meticulous design of our programs from parent training and family support to specialized consultations geared towards significant behavior reduction and personal development. Furthermore, our organization prides itself on extending beyond traditional therapy by encompassing organizational behavior management as well as offering expert counseling services and compassionate Skill acquisition isn't just about.


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Contact details

Strive ABA Consultants

Address: 300 E 90th Drive Suite A and B
Phone: 2195255180