Nick's Lawn Care, Landscaping, and Tree Removal

in Selkirk, United States

Category: Lawn care service

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Address details

181 Weisheit rd Selkirk, NY 12158
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Business hours

Mon - Fri: 7:00 AM- 7:00 PM
Saturday: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM


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Nick's Lawn Care, Landscaping, and Tree Removal is a full-service company dedicated to maintaining and enhancing outdoor residential and commercial spaces. We offer a wide array of maintenance services for properties, which include the cutting of grass, removal of thatch from lawns, the creation of garden beds, border detailing, the eradication of weeds alongside the application of mulch, laying of new sod, and the upkeep of plant beds. Seasonal services are available for both spring and autumn preparations.

Our tree and shrub care services feature the extraction of trees, cutting back branches for better growth, planting new trees, as well as the removal and planting of shrubs and meticulous hedge cutting.


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Contact details

Nick's Lawn Care, Landscaping, and Tree Removal

Address: 181 Weisheit rd Selkirk, NY 12158
Phone: 518-378-8288