Moermond & Mulligan, LLC

in Cincinnati, usa

Category: lawyer criminal

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Address details

225 W Court St UNIT 500, Cincinnati, OH 45202
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N39° 6' 20.52904" W84° 31' 6.0361"   (39.10570251, -84.51834336)
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(513) 421-9790

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When legal challenges arise, finding an astute Cincinnati criminal lawyer who understands your circumstances is vital. At Moermond & Mulligan, LLC, our experienced team provides exceptional legal counsel and advocacy for clients across Cincinnati, OH. Whether you’re canvassing the internet for a decisive criminal defense attorney near me or determinedly typing dui lawyer cincinnati oh into your search bar in desperation—your journey ends with us. Our firm boasts dynamic strategies and tailored approaches for various criminal allegations troubling many today. Unyielding professionalism and dedication underscore our journey with every client through intricate trials and motions. As sought-after defense lawyers near me, we place significant emphasis on crafting defenses that align closely with your objectives, working tirelessly towards optimal solutions that respect your need for confidentiality and respect.

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Business Hours: 24/7


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Contact details

Moermond & Mulligan, LLC

Address: 225 W Court St UNIT 500, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone: (513) 421-9790