The Upside on Prospect

in Prospect , Australia

Category: Cafe service

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Address details

1/81 Prospect Rd, Prospect SA 5082, Australia
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Business hours

7 am–3 pm

7 am–3 pm

8 am–3 pm

8 am–3 pm

7 am–3 pm

7 am–3 pm

7 am–3 pm


Are you looking for the Best Facility of Brunch in Prospect? The Upside on Prospect is based in Prospect, South Australia. We believe in the art of coffee-making. Our passionate baristas meticulously source the finest beans from around the globe, ensuring each cup is a celebration of flavour, aroma, and authenticity. Whether you're a seasoned espresso aficionado or a curious newcomer to the world of speciality coffee, our menu offers a diverse range of handcrafted beverages to suit every taste and preference. We also offer speciality coffee, breakfast, brunch, and lunch, all served with a smile. Join us and discover the magic in every cup, the joy in every bite, and the beauty in every moment shared. So, for more query you must Contact us.


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Contact details

The Upside on Prospect

Address: 1/81 Prospect Rd, Prospect SA 5082, Australia
Phone: +61870801357