Revive Counseling Spokane

in Spokane, WA 99201, United States

Category: Transitional Housing Spokane WA

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Address details

901 N Monroe St Suite 200
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N47° 39' 56.08836" W117° 25' 48.02952"   (47.6655801, -117.4300082)
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Business hours

Monday – Friday: 9AM To 5PM


Revive Spokane is your trusted partner in behavioral health in Spokane. We offer comprehensive services to support individuals and families in navigating mental health challenges and achieving holistic wellness. Our experienced team of professionals provides personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's needs, encompassing therapy, counseling, medication management, and more. With a compassionate and collaborative approach, we empower our clients to cultivate resilience, manage stress, and thrive in their daily lives. Whether you're seeking support for anxiety, depression, trauma, or other mental health concerns, Revive Spokane is here to help you on your journey to healing and self-discovery. Take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow by reaching out to us today.


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Contact details

Revive Counseling Spokane

Address: 901 N Monroe St Suite 200
Phone: 509-413-2950