Pais Montgomery Fiduciary

in Los Angeles, USA

Category: Financial planner, Business management consultant

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Address details

5820 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 300, Los Angeles, CA, 90036
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N34° 3' 43.79321" W118° 21' 20.65104"   (34.0621647815411, -118.355736398669)
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Business hours

Monday - Friday 09:00-18:00


Licensed by the State of California, we serve as trustees, probate estate administrators and conservators of the estate and person. Acting in positions of such responsibility is based on the considerable trust that our clients place in us to manage and optimize their financial assets, protect their health, safety and quality of life, and ensure that their end-of-life wishes are properly fulfilled. The PMF team has established a position of prominence in the Southern California trust and estate community by demonstrating our abiding commitment to honor the trust others place in us, and by performing our fiduciary duties in a manner that is professional, competent, savvy, responsive and fundamentally fair to those who offer us their trust.


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Contact details

Pais Montgomery Fiduciary

Address: 5820 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 300, Los Angeles, CA, 90036
Phone: 626-398-2090