Northeast Philly Exterminators

in Philadelphia, USA

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Address details

1882 Harrison Street Philadelphia, PA 19124
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Business hours

Monday through Friday 8am - 8pm
Saturday and Sunday 9am - 6pm


Northeast Philadelphia is home to many pest control services that guarantee a safe and effective extermination of pests. Whether you are dealing with mice, roaches, bedbugs or any other nuisance, these services can provide a quick and easy solution that is sure to eliminate your problem. From small infestations to large-scale eradication, the pest control companies in Northeast Philly offer comprehensive services to take care of all your needs. We use the latest techniques and technologies to ensure that all pests are eliminated quickly and safely. With our experienced staff and advanced methods, Northeast Philadelphia pest control service providers can help keep your home free of pests for good.


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Contact details

Northeast Philly Exterminators

Address: 1882 Harrison Street Philadelphia, PA 19124
Phone: 267-996-9989