
in Berlin, Germany

Category: Startup Consultancy

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Address details

Christinenstraße 11, 10119 Berlin, Germany
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N52° 31' 50.91887" E13° 24' 31.39996"   (52.5308107969844, 13.4087222117079)
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Phone & WWW

+49 15146192481

Business hours


Hi from spectup.com,

We are a leading boutique consultancy to help startups obtain funding quickly and boost revenue faster. 📈

Our team consists of ex-startup founders, strategy consultants, and investors. Thus, we know all the bottlenecks on your way to successfully receiving funding and bringing your business into the next phase. 👣

It is becoming more and more challenging for startups to get investor money. More competitors are entering the market. Due to the current market situation, startup investments are decreasing. Only 1% of all interested companies receive external funding in the end.

We make sure that you belong to this 1%. 🚀

Our consulting team perceives your startup holistically and knows exactly what information will be displayed.

We see your business with the eyes of your future partners and investors and know precisely what they want to hear about your company.


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Contact details


Address: Christinenstraße 11, 10119 Berlin, Germany
Phone: +49 15146192481