Maid to Maintain Inc.

in London, Canada

Category: cleaning service

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Address details

341 Talbot St #226 London ON N6A 2R5 Canada
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Business hours

Monday - Sunday: 9a.m.–5p.m.


Maid to Maintain is a local maid and cleaning service in London, Ontario, and bordering close-by locations. We provide complete home, commercial cleaning, and monitoring services. We specialize in hotel-grade cleaning and continuous monitoring services for Air BnB areas. Our cleans are guaranteed to be high-grade and carried out by people you can rely on. No two cleaning tasks are alike, and your requirements might be various from those of our various other clients. Our packages can be customized to your home or business. If you have any kind of questions concerning exactly how our services can assist your requirements or our process, or you have a basic question about our prices structure, please get in touch with Maid to Maintain today!


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Contact details

Maid to Maintain Inc.

Address: 341 Talbot St #226 London ON N6A 2R5 Canada
Phone: 519-639-4427