
in Shenzhen, China

Category: E-cigarette

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Created/changed by: YoumeitShenzhen

Address details

YOUMEIT 12F Chuangyi Building, Nanshan District Shenzhen, Guangdong 518109
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YouMeit Shop is the official Online direct store of YouMe Group, an health-focused Innovative Corporation specialized in E-cigarette who has constructed an integrated product system from intelligent atomized vaporizers to wellness & healthcare products.

We manufactured series of vape pods and disposable vape brands including Suorin, Vapsi, Quawins, Vapejoy, Airbar, DropPlus, Manba, Coolplay and so on!

Now, Youmeit shop is the only official online direct-sales store of Suorin, Vapsi and Quawins.

Suorin built in 2016, is exported to more than 90 countries and had became one of the most popular refillable vape device brand worldwide. Vapors can buy Suorin vape mods & pods and replacement atomizers here!

Vapsi is the new fashion disposable vape brand, YouMe is constantly innovating in its technological development to provide the best quality products to customers.


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Contact details


Address: YOUMEIT 12F Chuangyi Building, Nanshan District Shenzhen, Guangdong 518109
Phone: +(1)(646)309-8874