Barkemeyer Law Firm

in New Orleans, USA

Category: Criminal justice attorney

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Address details

422 S Broad Ave, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70119, USA
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Business hours

Monday To Sunday 7:00AM - 7:00PM


Barkemeyer Law Firm is a New Orleans Criminal Defense Attorney. Our criminal defense attorneys in New Orleans, Louisiana provide representation for DWI/DUI, drug charges, possession with intent, distribution, theft, forgery, bank fraud, assault, battery, domestic abuse, murder, robbery, burglary, prostitution, soliciting, reckless driving, hit and run, trespass, criminal damage to property, disturbing the peace, shoplifting, malfeasance in office, minor in possession of alcohol, filing false public records, illegal use of firearms, firearms charges, contractor fraud, negligent injuring, bail reductions, bench warrants, arrest warrant, public intoxication, probation revocations, expungements, felony charges, and misdemeanors.

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Contact details

Barkemeyer Law Firm

Address: 422 S Broad Ave, New Orleans, Louisiana, 70119, USA
Phone: (504) 226-2299