Easy Offer

in Wilmington, NC, USA

Category: Real estate

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Address details

4119 Peachtree Ave, Wilmington, NC, 28403
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N34° 12' 47.844" W77° 53' 34.764"   (34.21329, -77.89299)
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Phone & WWW

(919) 271-6601

Business hours

Mon - Sun: 8AM - 6PM


A locally owned and operated Real Estate Solutions firm based in Wilmington, North Carolina at the base of the Cape Fear River. This is the area we call home and have been buying houses and providing cash solutions to our clients since 2017. We specialize in quick closes with much less hassle than a traditional realtor or seller's agent. Our main focus is eliminating the hassle and drama that comes with the home selling process, specifically to our client's needs. We specialize in Pre-foreclosure and Probate situations. If you or a loved one is in a foreclosure situation, let us help!


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Contact details

Easy Offer

Address: 4119 Peachtree Ave, Wilmington, NC, 28403
Phone: (919) 271-6601