Alexander & Baldwin

in Honolulu, United States

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901 River St, Honolulu, HI 96817, USA
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N21° 18' 46" W157° 51' 54"   (21.312777777778, -157.865)
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Alexander & Baldwin, Inc. is an American company that was once part of the Big Five companies in territorial Hawaii. The company today operates businesses in real estate, sugarcane, and diversified agriculture. It was also the last "Big Five" company to cultivate sugarcane. It remains one of the State of Hawaii's largest private landowners, owning over 87,000 acres (35,000 ha) throughout the state. In addition, the company owns 47 income properties in Hawaii and the continental United States.
Alexander & Baldwin has its headquarters in downtown Honolulu at the Alexander & Baldwin Building, which was built in 1929. The Alexander & Baldwin Sugar Museum exhibits some of sugarcane company's history.


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Contact details

Alexander & Baldwin

Address: 901 River St, Honolulu, HI 96817, USA