Church by the Bridge

in Kirribilli, Australia

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5/7-9 Broughton St, Kirribilli NSW 2061, Australia
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S33° 50' 47.74" E151° 12' 46.59"   (-33.846594444444, 151.21294166667)
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Church by the Bridge, Kirribilli and Lavender Bay is an Anglican Church on Sydney's Lower North Shore. Church by the Bridge meets at St John’s Anglican Church, Kirribilli and at McMahons Point.
A church plant of St Thomas' Anglican Church, North Sydney, North Sydney in February 2005, the church offers six Bible-based services each Sunday 8am, 9:45am, 3.30pm, 5:30pm, 6.15pm and 7pm.
The purpose of Church by the Bridge is to both reunite people who have put their trust in God but haven't been attending church, and provide an opportunity for people who live in the area to listen to the Good News (Gospel).The congregation consists of around 400 people from a wide variety of backgrounds, married, single and young families.


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Contact details

Church by the Bridge

Address: 5/7-9 Broughton St, Kirribilli NSW 2061, Australia