Munley Law

in Pittsburgh, USA

Category: Personal Injury Attorney

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Address details

510 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15219-2107
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N40° 26' 14.244" W79° 59' 51.612"   (40.43729, -79.99767)
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Phone & WWW

(412) 534-5133

Business hours

Mon-Sun: Open 24 Hours


Our personal injury law firm was founded in 1959 and is one of the nation's leading personal injury law firms, helping people from all over the country who have been injured by negligence and wrongdoing. Our attorneys helped to create many of the laws that protect innocent victims today. We have won groundbreaking settlements and verdicts, and handle all types of personal injury cases including: truck accidents, auto accidents, workers compensation, wrongful death and more.


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Contact details

Munley Law

Address: 510 Third Avenue, 2nd Floor, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15219-2107
Phone: (412) 534-5133