The Tub Lady LLC

in Houston, United States

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6200 Savoy Drive 1202-B, , Houston Texas
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The Tub Lady LLC will let you safely enjoy a warm, relaxing bath without worrying about the dangerous slips and falls that are so common in the bathroom. In fact, it can give you freedom to care for yourself and stay in the home you love! “Combine that with the therapeutic benefits of our dual hydrotherapy system which can help increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, improve sleep and so much more – well, who wouldn’t want that?”

During this process is when I first learned of walk-in bathtubs. When I put it together that medical spa quality hydrotherapy could be brought affordably into the home, and folks that wanted to maintain their independence (and their health) could fully utilize and benefit from that I was hooked!


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Contact details

The Tub Lady LLC

Address: 6200 Savoy Drive 1202-B, , Houston Texas
Phone: 2815796500