Walk In Dental Clinic

in North York, Canada

Category: Dental Clinic, Dentistry

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Address details

6093 Yonge St, North York, ON M2M 3W2
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N43° 47' 27.8664" W79° 25' 4.1304"   (43.791074, -79.417814)
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Phone & WWW

(416) 225-1500

Business hours

Monday To Saturday 09:00 AM – 12:00 AM, Sunday 11:00 AM – 04:00 PM


Walk in dental clinic is an emergency dentistry in Toronto, North York, With extended hours until midnight 7 days a week, direct-to-insurance billing and a convenient, easy to access location, Walk in Dental Clinic can assist you with all your emergency dental needs, no matter what they might be or when they might occur. Emergency patients are always welcome in our Toronto Dentistry. Visit our emergency dental clinic with no appointment needed and discover how easy and painless it can be to regain your healthy smile! In our Toronto Dental Office, our professional staff offers not only emergency dentistry and orthodontic services but also other procedures, such as teeth whitening and bleaching, surgeries, fillings, implants and cosmetic.


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Contact details

Walk In Dental Clinic

Address: 6093 Yonge St, North York, ON M2M 3W2
Phone: (416) 225-1500