Jeff Ellis Management

in Orlando, USA

Category: Pool Management Service

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Address details

5979 Vineland Rd, #105, Orlando, Florida, 32819
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N28° 29' 0.384" W81° 27' 43.0272"   (28.48344, -81.461952)
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Business hours

24 Hours


Jeff Ellis Management, LLC (JEM) is a professional consulting firm and pool service company that provides comprehensive aquatic facility and risk management services for the recreational aquatic industry. In addition to our premier lifeguard training and aquatic facility operation, we provide quality pool maintenance and water sanitation products and services to our clients. Over the years JEM has developed and implemented an operating model that assures the delivery of quality services using innovative technology and creative strategies.• Our services are well-known within the aquatic industry and our management program is recognized by most insurance carriers. Most facilities that join JEM receive better coverage at a lower cost. Check out our website to see our reviews -, and then call us at (800) 742-8720. visit us - 5979 Vineland Rd, #105, Orlando, Florida, 32819


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Contact details

Jeff Ellis Management

Address: 5979 Vineland Rd, #105, Orlando, Florida, 32819
Phone: 800-742-8720