Professional Upholstery and Carpet Cleaning Laverton | Paudel Cleaning

in Laverton, Australia

Category: Cleaning Services

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Address details

Regent St Sydney NSW, 3029, Australia
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S33° 53' 5.5428" E151° 12' 8.3736"   (-33.884873, 151.202326)
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Phone & WWW

0452 429 361

Business hours

24 hours day/7 days a week/365 days a year.


Paudel Cleaning is a Melbourne based company offering an array of services to all our clients. If you are in search of an expert who has enough experience along with the tools and equipment then, get in touch with us. We will provide you assistance for residential vinyl strip and sealing, commercial and end of lease cleaning and exit and bond cleaning services. We pride ourselves for having happy customers who prefer counting on us every time they need an expert for the job. Give us a call and let us help you with the cleaning chore. Experience hassle free services at pocket-friendly cost.

Contact: Paudel Parsanta


Phone: 0452 429 361

Address: Regent St Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029, Australia

Method of Payments: Cheque, Cash, bank Transfer.

Hours of operation: 24 hours day/7 days a week/365 days a year.



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Contact details

Professional Upholstery and Carpet Cleaning Laverton | Paudel Cleaning

Address: Regent St Sydney NSW, 3029, Australia
Phone: 0452 429 361