Modern Area Rugs

in New York, USA

Category: Rug Store

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Address details

New York, NY 10022
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N40° 45' 33.81876" W73° 58' 11.2062"   (40.7593941, -73.9697795)
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Business hours

Mon-Sat 9 a.m – 5 p.m


The Design of Art Deco Rugs. A new approach to the general appearance of carpets – extensive geometricism, perturbation of symmetry, limitation of the once extremely opulent patterns, and brand new color combinations – gave Art Deco rugs the power to even further influence the setting in which they appear.

The Characteristic of Art Deco Rugs. In the rug industry, the term Art Deco rugs, or simply Deco rugs, refers to certain European (especially French) and Chinese carpets made in the first half of the 20th century. Although Chinese Deco rugs and European Deco rugs, especially French Deco rugs, belong to the same category and stem from the same trend, they show slightly different features.

European Deco rugs are leaning towards contemporaneity, experimentation with not only substance but also form, and are more likely to rely on minimalism.


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Contact details

Modern Area Rugs

Address: New York, NY 10022
Phone: 646-810-8776