Elite Credit Repair Services

in Houston, United States

Category: Credit Counseling Service, Credit Repair Services

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Address details

11811 North Fwy Ste 565, Houston, TX 77060
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N29° 56' 9.9636" W95° 24' 48.3912"   (29.936101, -95.413442)
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Business hours

Mon to Fri 8am-6pm


Is Your Credit Costing You?

There are many Americans unaware of how much bad credit is costing them until they apply for a loan. Some Americans have never checked their credit reports or scores at all.

Having bad credit can also affect your day to day life; for instance, paying more for car insurance, paying a higher deposit for an apartment or cell phone. That’s why it is so important for consumers to check their credit reports regularly to insure its accuracy. A higher credit score can mean the difference between 3.5% or 10% down payment for a mortgage or paying $12,000 more in interest on a $20,000 auto loan. With a better credit score you can enjoy lower interest rates, $0 down on auto loans, O% APR on credit cards, and much more.

More than Just Houston Credit Repair

Elite Credit Repair Services will not only repair your credit, we will also help you establish credit. There are many consumers who don’t have credit and fall in the same tier as people with bad credit.


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Contact details

Elite Credit Repair Services

Address: 11811 North Fwy Ste 565, Houston, TX 77060
Phone: 281-940-6981