Medicaid Trust

in New York, United States

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NY 10022
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N40° 45' 33.81876" W73° 58' 11.2062"   (40.7593941, -73.9697795)
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When many people think of sheltering their assets, they tend to wonder if this is legal. Not only is it perfectly legal, but when done by an attorney who understands how to navigate the complexities associated with Medicaid rules and regulations, is completely ethical and a smart choice for families who have income and assets they need to protect in order to maintain their standard of living. While initially unknown to many people as a viable option, it has become very popular in recent years as the preferred method of planning for long-term care.

While there are many strategies that can be used in Medicaid planning, the most popular for many people is what’s known as an irrevocable trust. When this Medicaid planning option is used, any real or personal property placed in the trust will be excluded from a person’s assets for Medicaid planning.



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Contact details

Medicaid Trust

Address: NY 10022
Phone: 646-693-2026