
in Southbank, Australia

Category: chain software

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Address details

81 City Road, Southbank, VIC 3006
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S37° 49' 20.3862" E144° 57' 55.06488"   (-37.8223295, 144.9652958)
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Phone & WWW

1300 565 005

Business hours

9:00am - 5:00pm


If you are in need of an agriculture supply chain software which is fully traceable and sustainable, AgriChain has the perfect solution you can trust. Our entire business is built on the premise of a strong focus on people, the aspect of process which is needed to make technology successful. Our research and development enabled us to craft a software which links you to your supply chain through automatising the delivery process. Each transaction is updated in real-time ensuring the management of stock, automation of freight orders, improvement of productivity, increment of visibility and elimination of paperwork. Visit


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Contact details


Address: 81 City Road, Southbank, VIC 3006
Phone: 1300 565 005