Staff Defence ltd

in London, United Kingdom

Category: Conflict Management Training

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Address details

Thomas House, 84 Eccleston Square, London, London, SW1V 1PX
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N51° 29' 35.358" W0° 8' 37.10904"   (51.493155, -0.143641399999979)
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Phone & WWW

0203 9481514

Business hours


Staff Defence offers effective training courses in personal safety and conflict management using proven communication and physical intervention techniques. Courses can be tailored to your specific requirements; for business trips and lone travelling, safety issues at work or potential conflict situations, or for times when you need to keep your family safe.


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Contact details

Staff Defence ltd

Address: Thomas House, 84 Eccleston Square, London, London, SW1V 1PX
Phone: 0203 9481514