ABC No Rio

in New York, United States

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157 Rivington St, New York, NY 10002, USA
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N40° 43' 9" W73° 59' 7.5"   (40.719166666667, -73.985416666667)
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ABC No Rio was a social center located at 156 Rivington Street on New York City's Lower East Side that was founded in 1980. It features an art gallery space, a zine library, a darkroom, a silkscreening studio, and public computer lab. In addition, it plays host to a number of radical projects in New York City, including weekly hardcore punk matinees and the NYC Food Not Bombs collective. ABC No Rio seeks to be a community center for the Lower East Side, sponsoring projects and benefits for the neighborhood, as well as to be a center of radical activism in the city, promoting do it yourself volunteerism, art and activism, without giving in or selling out to corporate sponsors.


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Contact details

ABC No Rio

Address: 157 Rivington St, New York, NY 10002, USA