Swiss Museum of Transport

in Luzern, Switzerland

Category: Attraction

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Lidostrasse 5, 6006 Luzern, Switzerland
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N47° 3' 10" E8° 20' 9"   (47.052777777778, 8.3358333333333)
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The Swiss Transport Museum or Verkehrshaus der Schweiz (literally "Transportation House of Switzerland") in Lucerne opened in July 1959 and exhibits all forms of transport, including locomotive, automobiles, ships, and aircraft) as well as communication technology. It is Switzerland's most popular museum. The museum also maintains a large collection of work by Hans Erni, a local painter and sculptor.
There are several other attractions in the museum besides the collection, including a planetarium, a large-format cinema and a 1:20,000 scale aerial photograph of Switzerland.


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Contact details

Swiss Museum of Transport

Address: Lidostrasse 5, 6006 Luzern, Switzerland