RPL Report Format

in Melbourne, Australia

Category: Engineers

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280 La Trobe Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia
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S37° 48' 37.48644" E144° 57' 39.62808"   (-37.8104129, 144.9610078)
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Recognition of prior learning (RPL report) is an assessment method to honour talent, which did not get the opportunity to acquire or complete formal training. RPL provides value to education as an outcome, rather than as a process.

Experts from a specific field called RPL facilitators are appointed to counsel the candidates and examine their skills acquired, by informal training methods. If the candidate gets qualified, he can get access to training courses and chances of migration in different classes for a bright career.

Many countries feel there is hidden talent especially in economically deprived sectors, which should get a chance to shine. RPL is a programme undertaken by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) in India. India is one country with significant class divisions. Many children are forced to leave schools as they are put under pressure to earn. Although such kids do not gain a formal education, they can learn from their workplaces. Many college dropouts have performed


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Contact details

RPL Report Format

Address: 280 La Trobe Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia
Phone: 1800339027