in Perth, Australia

Category: Local business

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Address details

108 St Georges Tce, Perth, WA, 6000, Australia
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S31° 57' 15.51492" E115° 51' 26.13456"   (-31.9543097, 115.8572596)
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Phone & WWW

1300 801 861

Business hours

Mon-Sat: 09:00am - 07:00pm AEST


Do you have a garden and need gardening supplies? We know how precious your gardening time is to you. A therapeutic place where it’s just you and your beloved plants. But what is the use of your time in your garden when you’re in need of supplies? At Bargins2Go we have a range of home and garden supplies fit to please your outdoor needs. Our products include bird nesting, green houses, compost, pool and accessories, as well as all your BBQ needs, we have them in stock. Hurry and make your purchase online and we will ship them to you. Visit our website and browse through our products.


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Contact details


Address: 108 St Georges Tce, Perth, WA, 6000, Australia
Phone: 1300 801 861