1908 Summer Olympics

in London, United Kingdom

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191 Wood Ln, London, White City W12 7FP, UK
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N51° 30' 49.032" W0° 13' 38.64"   (51.51362, -0.2274)
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The 1908 Summer Olympics, officially the Games of the IV Olympiad, were an international multi-sport event which was held in 1908 in London, United Kingdom from 27 April to 31 October 1908.These games were originally scheduled to be held in Rome, but were re-located on financial grounds following a disastrous eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 1906. They were the fourth chronological modern Olympic Games in keeping with the now-accepted four-year cycle as opposed to the alternate four-year cycle of the proposed Intercalated Games. The IOC president for these Games was Baron Pierre de Coubertin. Lasting a total of 187 days, or 6 months and 4 days, these games were the longest in modern Olympics history.


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1908 Summer Olympics

Address: 191 Wood Ln, London, White City W12 7FP, UK