Perth Reticulation Experts

in 6000, Australia

Category: Reticulation

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Address details

Level 25, 108 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA
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S31° 57' 15.62076" E115° 51' 25.99776"   (-31.9543391, 115.8572216)
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Phone & WWW

08 6555 0943

Business hours

Friday, 8.30am – 5.30pm


For all of your irrigation and reticulation needs, call us at Perth Reticulation Experts. We have years of experience in providing solutions for both reticulation and irrigation. Our services are reliable, professional, and affordable. We are specialist when it comes to water efficient systems that are also low maintenance. We can service your existing reticulation system from the solenoids and controllers to the pipes and the sprinklers, we have you covered. We also install new systems that we will tailor to your particular water needs. We informed and educated on the latest innovations in the industry. It is how we ensure that you get the best system and customer service that you deserve. Whether it is sprinkler systems for your lawn or a more complex reticulation installation, we have affordable solutions for you. Perth Reticulation Experts have long served the community of Perth with pride. It is why our customers keep coming to us.


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Contact details

Perth Reticulation Experts

Address: Level 25, 108 St Georges Terrace, Perth, WA
Phone: 08 6555 0943