HVAC Contractor

in Nanaimo, Canada

Category: Local business

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Address details

5964 Newport Drive Nanaimo, BC V9V 1L7
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N49° 14' 8.31804" W124° 1' 25.28292"   (49.2356439, -124.0236897)
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Business hours


Residential & Commercial Contractors

Westwind Mechanical Ltd is a locally owned and

operated business in Nanaimo, BC. We pride ourselves on a stable and

organized growth platform. Customer satisfaction and constant

improvements are the foundation of our business.

Experiencing heating, cooling, refrigeration or plumbing issues?

Think Westwind Mechanical Ltd. We can provide the solution.

Repair & Maintenance Experts

Westwind Mechanical Ltd. Specializes in making

old equipment operate as if it were new. We provide detailed reporting

that can used in addition to reserve fund studies helping buildings plan

for replacement and limiting down time.


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Contact details

HVAC Contractor

Address: 5964 Newport Drive Nanaimo, BC V9V 1L7
Phone: 250-327-9980