Citadel Physiotherapy Clinic

in Halifax, Canada

Category: Physiotherapy Clinic

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Address details

1554 Dresden Row Road Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1G5
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N44° 38' 37.58964" W63° 34' 43.45572"   (44.6437749, -63.5787377)
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Business hours

Monday -Thursday 7:00am to 7:00pm, Friday 7:00am to 5:00pm


Citadel Physiotherapy is a privately owned physiotherapy clinic located in downtown Halifax and Dartmouth. We provide physiotherapy and massage therapy services to aid in the rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries, utilizing an active exercise-based approach to rehabilitation.

A leader in in physiotherapy services in Halifax and Dartmouth, Citadel Physiotherapy provides high quality rehabilitation services with its very experienced therapists. Numerous medical conditions are treated daily, including acute and chronic pain, WCB and MVA related conditions (whiplash), arthritis, orthopaedic sport injuries and strains, and pre- and post-surgical conditions. Your mobility means the world to us; we enjoy seeing physical progress as much as you would. With the amount of services that we have to offer, there are programs for every individual. Within the physiotherapy industry, we are always learning new industry leading therapies and programs to help our clients with mobility.


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Contact details

Citadel Physiotherapy Clinic

Address: 1554 Dresden Row Road Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1G5
Phone: 902-442-5623