Westlegate Tower

in Norwich, United Kingdom

Category: Attraction

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westlegate house, 1 Westlegate, Norwich NR1 3LT, UK
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N52° 37' 33.96" E1° 17' 42"   (52.6261, 1.295)
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Westlegate Tower on the north side of Westlegate in Norwich, England. Standing at 41 meters, it is one of the city's tallest and most modern buildings. The building was initially built as "Westlegate House" in 1959 with 11 floors, reaching a height of 33 meters. The building was refurbished in 2014 at the cost of £8 million and received a height increase to 41 meters.
Westlegate tower consists of 17 apartments, two townhouses and three commercial units


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Westlegate Tower

Address: westlegate house, 1 Westlegate, Norwich NR1 3LT, UK