Sam Dental

in Tijuana, BC 22010, Mexico

Category: Dental Clinic

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Address details

Paseo de los Heroes, Zona Urbana Rio
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N32° 31' 11.58168" W117° 0' 35.85024"   (32.5198838, -117.0099584)
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Phone & WWW

619-600 6687

Business hours

Monday through Saturday, 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.


Sam Dental offers low cost dentistry in Tijuana, Mexico. We have been practicing for nearly 10 years, taking acre of patients fron the US, looking to dental tourism in Mexico as a means to get affordable dental treatment. Tens of thousands of patients each year come to Tijuana, as the best alternative for dental tourism. Tijuana is very conveniently located just across the border from San Diego, CA. Our English speaking patient coordinators can help you arrange transportation, and lodging, as well organize your treatment plan. All our dentists speak English very well, and can explain any procedures to the patients. We specialize in dental implants, all on 4 or 6 implant supported prothesis, smile makeovers, veneers, Lumineers, as well as general dentistry.


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Contact details

Sam Dental

Address: Paseo de los Heroes, Zona Urbana Rio
Phone: 619-600 6687