Radosevich & Dixon, Social Security Disability Lawyer

in Denver, United States

Category: Social Security Disability Attorney

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Address details

1621 York St, Denver, Colorado 80206
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N39° 44' 31.46136" W104° 57' 36.49608"   (39.7420726, -104.9601378)
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Business hours

Monday to Friday 8.00m to 5.00pm


As Denver disability attorneys, we know that the road to an award of Social Security disability benefits often is a long and trying one. Dealing with a large government bureaucracy like the Social Security Administration is difficult under the best of circumstances. At Radosevich & Dixon, we have helped hundreds of disabled individuals navigate the Colorado Social Security system. Whatever stage of the disability benefits process you are in, we can provide steady guidance.


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Contact details

Radosevich & Dixon, Social Security Disability Lawyer

Address: 1621 York St, Denver, Colorado 80206
Phone: 303-377-1300