Wrocław Town Hall

in Wrocław, Poland

Category: Attraction

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Rynek Ratusz, Wrocław, Poland
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N51° 6' 35" E17° 1' 54"   (51.109722222222, 17.031666666667)
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The Old Town Hall (Polish: Stary Ratusz, German: Breslauer Rathaus) of Wrocław stands at the center of the city’s Market Square (rynek). The Gothic town hall built from the 13th century is one of the main landmarks of the city.
The Old Town Hall's long history reflects developments that have taken place in the city since its initial construction. The town hall serves the city of Wroclaw and is used for civic and cultural events such as concerts held in its Great Hall. In addition, it houses a museum and a basement restaurant.


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Wrocław Town Hall

Address: Rynek Ratusz, Wrocław, Poland