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34-35 New Bond St, Mayfair, London W1S 2RT, UK
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N51° 30' 43" W0° 8' 37"   (51.511944444444, -0.14361111111111)
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Sotheby's is a British multinational corporation headquartered in New York City. One of the world's largest brokers of fine and decorative art, jewelry, real estate, and collectibles, Sotheby's operation is divided into three segments: auction, finance, and dealer. The company’s services range from corporate art services to private sales. It is named after one of its cofounders, John Sotheby.
Sotheby's is the world’s fourth oldest auction house in continuous operation, with 90 locations in 40 countries. As of December 2011, the company had 1,446 employees worldwide. It is the world's largest art business with global sales in 2011 totalling $5.8 billion.
Sotheby's was established on 11 March 1744 in London. The American holding company was initially incorporated in August 1983 in Michigan. In June 2006, Sotheby's Holdings, Inc. reincorporated in the State of Delaware and was renamed Sotheby's. In July 2016, Chinese insurance giant Taikang Life became Sotheby's largest shareholder.


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Address: 34-35 New Bond St, Mayfair, London W1S 2RT, UK