HABEX Hearing and Aid Batteries Express

in Northbridge , AU

Category: Zenipower Implant Power

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Address details

PO Box 457 Northbridge NSW 1560
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S33° 48' 36.21492" E151° 12' 31.65444"   (-33.8100597, 151.2087929)
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Phone & WWW

0423 100 555

Business hours

9.30am-4pm AEST


Established in 2001, HABEX is a pioneering provider of hearing aid batteries and accessories for the Australian and international markets. Operating on our two core principles of service and quality, we've worked hard to develop a strong reputation among hearing aid and cochlear implant users for our broad product range from leading brands, our exceptional customer service standards and the resources we make available to help customers make the right decisions about the hearing aid batteries and products we offer here on our website. As long-term hearing aid users, we understand the needs and concerns of our customers and we're always looking for ways to provide the kind of service that we would want for ourselves.


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Contact details

HABEX Hearing and Aid Batteries Express

Address: PO Box 457 Northbridge NSW 1560
Phone: 0423 100 555