The New Penny

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Calls Wharf, 2 The Calls, Leeds LS2 7JU, UK
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N53° 47' 42" W1° 32' 27.6"   (53.795, -1.541)
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The New Penny is a gay pub in The Calls area of Leeds, West Yorkshire. It is reported to be the oldest continually running gay pub in the UK.The pub started as the Hope and Anchor in 1953. Although difficulty with the law meant it was a secretive place, it was the first gay venue to open outside London.After a change of ownership the pub changed its name in 1982 and became The New Penny.
The pub has hosted various well-known drag queens on its stage, including Lily Savage, Anna Glypta, Fats and Small, Sisters Slim, Amber Dextrous, Miss Orry, and Ricky Glass. It is one of the most popular venues in Leeds, attracting a diverse crowd of gay and straight patrons.
The New Penny regained popularity when drinking laws were relaxed to allow a later licence, usually meaning it is the last venue to close its doors at weekends on the Leeds gay scene. It is also involved in the annual Leeds Pride event.
On 19 October 2016, Leeds Civic Trust awarded it blue plaque "for providing a safe venue for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people."


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Contact details

The New Penny

Address: Calls Wharf, 2 The Calls, Leeds LS2 7JU, UK