Joiners Arms

in Southampton, United Kingdom

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133A St Mary St, Southampton SO14 1NX, UK
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N50° 54' 18" W1° 23' 46"   (50.905, -1.3961111111111)
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The Joiners Arms (usually branded and referred to as The Joiners) is a small music venue in a pub on St Mary's Street, St Mary's, Southampton, England. It has played host to many up-and-coming bands. The venue is currently owned by Tim Betts. The Joiners opened as a music venue in 1968. The maximum capacity is 200 people.
In May 2013, the venue was shortlisted in the top ten of a contest run by NME to find Britain's best small music venue. In June 2013, it was announced that the venue won the competition.
In December 2006, writer John Grey released a book entitled Access One Step: The Official History of the Joiners Arms, which documents the history of the venue and includes a foreword by Razorlight drummer Andy Burrows.


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Contact details

Joiners Arms

Address: 133A St Mary St, Southampton SO14 1NX, UK