Shepherd Market

in London, United Kingdom

Category: Attraction

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46 Shepherd Market, Mayfair, London W1J, UK
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N51° 30' 23.4" W0° 8' 48.48"   (51.5065, -0.1468)
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Shepherd Market is a small square in the Mayfair area of central London, developed in 1735-46 by Edward Shepherd on the open ground then used for the annual May fair from which Mayfair gets its name. It is located between Piccadilly and Curzon Street and has a village-like atmosphere. It has been associated with prostitutes since the Eighteenth century; in the 1980s, Jeffrey Archer met the prostitute Monica Coghlan in Shepherd Market. In the 1920s it was a popular residential area for writers and artists, such as Anthony Powell, Michael Arlen and Sophie Fedorovitch.


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Contact details

Shepherd Market

Address: 46 Shepherd Market, Mayfair, London W1J, UK