Pace Law Firm

in Toronto, ON M5X 1C7, Canada

Category: lawyer, law, personal injury lawyer

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Address details

100 King St W #5700
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N43° 38' 55.09032" W79° 22' 54.27804"   (43.6486362, -79.3817439)
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Business hours

Mon - Fri 09:00am - 05:00pm


When you are injured, recovery should be your number one focus. We will help you understand your options, and we will work to protect your rights. Our large staff of 165 is highly experienced in personal injury, labour, and employment law. To ensure you receive the representation you deserve, we have medical personnel and former Insurance Adjusters on staff so that we can give you knowledgeable representation even when it isn’t our field. Contact Pace Law Firm to start your legal proceedings.


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Contact details

Pace Law Firm

Address: 100 King St W #5700
Phone: 8772363060