City of Adelaide

in Adelaide, Australia

Category: Attraction

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Address details

369 King William St, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia
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S34° 55' 60" E138° 35' 60"   (-34.933333333333, 138.6)
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The City of Adelaide is a local government area in the metropolitan area of Adelaide, South Australia. It covers the original Adelaide city centre, (also known as the city, the CBD and [inaccurately] the square mile), North Adelaide, and the Adelaide Park Lands which surround North Adelaide and the city centre.
Established in 1840, the organisation (known until c.2010 as the Adelaide City Council (ACC)) was the first municipal authority in Australia. At its time of establishment, Adelaide's (and Australia's) first mayor, James Hurtle Fisher, was elected. From 1919 onwards, the municipality has had a Lord Mayor, the current being Martin Haese who replaced Stephen Yarwood in 2014.


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Contact details

City of Adelaide

Address: 369 King William St, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia