Royal Naval College (Netherlands)

in Den Helder, Netherlands

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Address details

Het Nieuwe Diep 53, 1781 Den Helder, Netherlands
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N52° 57' 44" E4° 46' 30"   (52.962222222222, 4.775)
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The Royal Naval College was the service academy of the Royal Netherlands Navy. From 2005 it is part of the Koninklijk Instituut voor de Marine ("Royal naval institute" or KIM) as part of the Nederlandse Defensie Academie ("Netherlands defence academy") in Den Helder. It offers a program of four or five years and also a short course of 16 to 22 months. Upon the completion of the program a graduate is awarded a bachelor's degree and is commissioned in the Royal Netherlands Navy. The training of officers for the Royal Netherlands Army and Royal Netherlands Air Force is done by the Koninklijke Militaire Academie in Breda.


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Contact details

Royal Naval College (Netherlands)

Address: Het Nieuwe Diep 53, 1781 Den Helder, Netherlands