Szkoła Narodowa Polska w Paryżu

in Paris, France

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15 Rue Lamandé, 75017 Paris, France
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N48° 53' 11.4" E2° 19' 9.84"   (48.8865, 2.3194)
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Szkoła Narodowa Polska w Paryżu ("Polish School in Paris"; French: École polonaise Paris), also known as the School at Batignolles (Polish: Szkoła Batiniolska; French: École polonaise des Batignolles) is a Polish international school at the Polish embassy in the 17th arrondissement of Paris, France.
It includes primary school up to lyceum (senior high school/sixth form college).
The history of the schools dates to mid-19th century, and it is seen as an important element of Polish-French culture, particularly for the Polish people in France.


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Contact details

Szkoła Narodowa Polska w Paryżu

Address: 15 Rue Lamandé, 75017 Paris, France