Bishopric of Brandenburg

in Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany

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Steinstraße 13, 14776 Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany
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N52° 24' 30.312" E12° 33' 44.964"   (52.40842, 12.56249)
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The Bishopric of Brandenburg (Latin: Episcopatus Brandenburgensis or Dioecesis Brandenburgensis) was a Roman Catholic diocese established by King Otto I of Germany in 948, in the territory of the Marca Geronis (Saxon Eastern March) east of the Elbe river. The bishopric was a suffragan diocese of the Archbishopric of Magdeburg, its seat was Brandenburg an der Havel.
The Prince-bishopric of Brandenburg (German: Hochstift Brandenburg) was a state of the Holy Roman Empire for some time, probably starting about 1161/1165. However, the Brandenburg bishops never managed to gain control over a significant territory, being overshadowed by the Margraviate of Brandenburg, which was originally seated in the same city. Chapter and cathedral, surrounded by further ecclesiastical institutions, were located on the Dominsel (Cathedral Island), which formed a prince-episcopal cathedral immunity district (Domfreiheit), distinct from the city of Brandenburg. Only in 1929 the - meanwhile former - immunity district was incorporated into the city itself.


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Contact details

Bishopric of Brandenburg

Address: Steinstraße 13, 14776 Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany