Fisher Adams Kelly

in Brisbane, Australia

Category: Local business

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Address details

Level 6, 175 Eagle Street
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S27° 27' 56.87028" E153° 1' 51.03192"   (-27.4657973, 153.0308422)
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Business hours

Monday - Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm


As a leading Australian intellectual property firm, Fisher Adams Kelly are one of the largest filers of locally originating applications nationally. Fisher Adams Kelly have experts with over 30 years experience specialising in intellectual property advice and services in patents, trade marks, IP audits and searching, licensing, oppositions and disputes from their three locations in Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney. From global resources and manufacturing corporations, to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, and international research organisations, Fisher Adams Kelly enable their clients to protect ground-breaking ideas and their corporate identity. The team at Fisher Adams Kelly seek to create partnerships with their clients by adopting a friendly and collaborative approach.


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Contact details

Fisher Adams Kelly

Address: Level 6, 175 Eagle Street
Phone: 0730112200