Laufen District

in Laufen, Switzerland

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Delsbergerstrasse 103, 4242 Laufen, Switzerland
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N47° 25' 0" E7° 30' 0"   (47.416666666667, 7.5)
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Laufen District or Laufental District (French: District de Laufon) is one of the five districts of the largely German-speaking canton of Basel-Country, Switzerland. Its capital is the town of Laufen.
Prior to 1994, it was a district of the canton of Bern, one of the seven historical districts of the Bernese Jura. In 1979, three neighbouring French-speaking districts of Bern seceded to form the new canton of Jura. Laufen was left as an exclave of Bern, wedged between Jura, Solothurn, Basel-Country, and France. In 1980, the populace voted to secede from Bern and join Basel-Country. After a transitional period of preparation, this was effected in 1994.
It has a population of 19,591 (as of 30 June 2015).


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Contact details

Laufen District

Address: Delsbergerstrasse 103, 4242 Laufen, Switzerland