Casa Loma (neighbourhood)

in Toronto, Canada

Category: Attraction

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129 Howland Ave, Toronto, ON M5R 3B4, Canada
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N43° 40' 12" W79° 24' 36"   (43.67, -79.41)
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Casa Loma is a neighbourhood in the city of Toronto in Ontario, Canada, and is named after the famous castle. It is bounded on the north by St. Clair Avenue West, on the east by Spadina Road, on the south by the CP railway tracks, and on the west by Bathurst Street. Transit access is provided by the TTC's St. Clair West station and 512 St. Clair streetcar route.
The image of a castle atop the Avenue Road Hill, surrounded by ravines, large old trees, joggers and BMWs is an eclectic mix, considering the neighbourhood is located close to downtown Toronto.


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Contact details

Casa Loma (neighbourhood)

Address: 129 Howland Ave, Toronto, ON M5R 3B4, Canada